How to Establish Reciprocity with CCCERA


When you accept a position for permanent employment with Contra Costa County or special district employers, you will fill out an Enrollment Affidavit (Form 101). If you are entering service as a reciprocal member, you may indicate your reciprocity in Section 3 of Form 101 and will need to complete the Reciprocity Election Form (Form 103). Upon receiving Form 101 with Section 3 completed and Form 103, CCCERA will mail you a Reciprocity Affidavit Form (Form 109) to complete. All service and funds remain with each employer.

CCCERA will verify your information with previous employers and receive certifications of service credit accrued and age at entry into the system, thus establishing the link between your previous and your current employment. This information will be accessible in your file to streamline the research and calculations required when you choose to retire, defer, or change employment.

If you were a member of any public retirement system before January 1, 2013, (when PEPRA tiers went into effect), and subsequently entered CCCERA as a reciprocal member for the first time after this date, you will join the retirement tier that was available to CCCERA employees on December 31, 2012. New public employees joining retirement systems for the first time, or legacy members who are not subject to reciprocity, will join PEPRA tiers. 

If reciprocity is a consideration for you, please check with CCCERA about eligibility, specific rules, regulations, and agency agreements.