The Retirement Board May Discuss And Take Action On The Following:
- Pledge of Allegiance.
- Accept comments from the public.
- Approve minutes from the December 16, 2015 Board meeting.
- The Board will continue in closed session pursuant to Govt. Code Section 54956.81 to consider the sale of a particular pension fund investment.
- Presentation from Cortex and Verus on governance issues.
- Consider and take possible action to adopt governance models from Cortex and Verus presentation regarding:
- Strategic Rebalancing
- Tactical Rebalancing
- Opportunistic Investments
- Investment Manager Structure
- Investment Manager Hiring
- Investment Manager Termination
- Consider and take possible action to authorize a search to identify prospective liquidity mandate managers.
- Review of total portfolio performance for period ending December 31, 2015.
- Consider and take possible action to add or remove managers from the Watch List.
- Consider authorizing the attendance of Board and/or staff:
- ARES EIF 27th Annual Meeting and Energy Industry Conference, May 9-11, 2016, San Diego, CA. (Note: Conflict with SACRS)
- NCPERS 2016 Annual Conference & Exhibition, May 14-19, 2016, San Diego, CA.
- PRJ 28th Annual Southern California Public Retirement Seminar, March 24th, 2016, Lakewood, CA.
- Siguler Guff & Company’s 2016 Annual Conference, May 4-5, 2016, New York, NY. (Note: Conflict with meeting)
- 2016 CRCEA Spring Conference, April 11-13, 2016, Bakersfield, CA. (Note: Conflict with meeting)
- Miscellaneous
- Staff Report
- Outside Professionals’ Report
- Trustees’ comments
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