Regular Board Meeting
The Retirement Board May Discuss And Take Action On The Following:
- Pledge of Allegiance.
- Accept comments from the public.
- Approve minutes from the July 12, 2017 meeting.
- Routine items for September 13, 2017.
- Approve certifications of membership.
- Approve service and disability allowances.
- Accept disability applications and authorize subpoenas as required.
- Approve death benefits.
- Accept Asset Allocation Report.
- The Board will go into closed session pursuant to Govt. Code Section 54957 to consider recommendations from the Medical Advisor and/or staff regarding the following disability retirement applications:
Member Type Sought Recommendation Marilyn Gouvaia Service Connected Service Connected Frank Gomez Service Connected Service Connected Angela Parga Non-Service Connected Non-Service Connected
- Consider and take possible action to accept the GASB 68 report from Segal Consulting.
- Consider and take possible action regarding non-service connected disability retirement allowance of deceased member Paul Crouch.
- Presentation of Semi-Annual Disability Retirement Report.
- Consider authorizing the attendance of Board:
- 2017 Fall Conference, CII, September 13-15, 2017, San Diego, CA.
- Roundtable for Consultants & Institutional Investors, Institutional Investor, October 4-6, 2017, Chicago, IL.
- 2017 Fall Conference, CRCEA, October 23-25, 2017, Emeryville, CA. (Note: Conflict with meeting)
- 31st Annual Northern CA Public Retirement Seminar, Public Retirement Journal, October 26, 2017, Sacramento, CA.
- StepStone Investor Dinner & Conference, October 24-25, 2017, New York, NY. (Note: Conflict with meeting)
- Annual Limited Partners Meeting, The Carpenter Community Bancfund, October 26, 2017, New York, NY.
- Miscellaneous
- Staff Report
- Outside Professionals’ Report
- Trustees’ comments
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Concord, California 94520