Regular Board Meeting

Board meeting


The Board of Retirement will hold its meeting via teleconferencing as permitted by Government Code Section 54953(e). The meeting is accessible telephonically at 669-900-6833, Webinar ID: 889 5238 7657, Passcode: 793600, or via the web at:

Passcode: 793600

Persons who wish to address the Board of Retirement during public comment may call in during the meeting by dialing the phone number and passcode above. Access via Zoom is also available at the weblink above. To indicate you wish to speak during public comment, please select *9 on your phone or “raise your hand” in the Zoom app.

Public comments are limited to any item that is within the subject matter jurisdiction of the Board of Retirement. Comments will be received in real time via telephone or Zoom, subject to a three-minute time limit per speaker.


  1. Pledge of Allegiance.
  2. Roll Call.
  3. Accept comments from the public.
  4. Approve minutes from the July 13, 2022 meeting.
  5. Approve the following routine items:
    1. Certifications of membership.
    2. Service and disability allowances.
    3. Death benefits.
    4. Investment liquidity report.
  6. Accept the following routine items:
    1. Disability applications and authorize subpoenas as required.
    2. Travel report.
    3. Investment asset allocation report.


  1. The Board will go into closed session pursuant to Govt. Code Section 54957 to consider recommendations from the medical advisor and/or staff regarding the following disability retirement applications:
Member Type Sought Recommendation
a. Zara Cushman Service Connected Service Connected
b. John Viera Service Connected Service Connected
  1. The Board will continue in closed session pursuant to Govt. Code Section 54956.9(d)(1) to confer with legal counsel regarding pending litigation:
    1. Nowicki v. CCCERA, et al., Contra Costa County Superior Court, Case No. C17-01266
  2. The Board will continue in closed session pursuant to Govt. Code Section 54956.9(d)(4) to confer with legal counsel regarding initiation of litigation (one potential case).
  3. The Board will continue in closed session pursuant to Govt. Code Section 54956.9(d)(2) to confer with legal counsel regarding potential litigation (one case).


  1. Consider and take possible action to adopt the December 31, 2021 Valuation Report and contribution rates for the period July 1, 2023—June 30, 2024.
  2. Consider and take possible action to approve pay code lists.
  3. Consider and take possible action to authorize the Board to conduct teleconference meetings under Government Code section 54953 (e) and to make related findings.
  4. Consider authorizing the attendance of Board:
    1. 2022 Public Safety Conference, NCPERS, October 23-26, 2022, Nashville, TN. (Note: Conflict with meeting)
  5. Miscellaneous
    1. Staff Report
    2. Outside Professionals’ Report
    3. Trustees’ comments
CCCERA Board Room
1200 Concord Avenue, Suite 350
Concord, California 94520